preemptive scheduling

美 [priˈɛmptɪv ˈskedʒuːlɪŋ]

网络  抢占式调度; 抢占调度; 可剥夺调度; 剥夺调度; 抢先式调度方式



  1. Also, non-RT Java implementations typically use a round-robin preemptive scheduling approach with unpredictable scheduling order.
  2. Partial preemptive real-time scheduling algorithm in software fault-tolerant model
  3. Preemptive scheduling Kernel of μ C/ OS-ⅱ has been anatomized;
  4. The threshold based dual-level priority algorithm integrates preemptive scheduling and non-preemptive scheduling. The schedulability of jobs can be improved by the algorithm, and the system overhead introduced by preemption can be reduced, too.
  5. To solve this problem, we study the low-complexity preemptive packet-mode scheduling and propose the algorithm called preemptive short packets first ( P-SPF).
  6. A method of improved preemptive level scheduling
  7. To estimate the maximum release jitter of the sub-task in a transaction exactly, this thesis presents corresponding methods to compute the best-case response time of periodic tasks under the EDF preemptive scheduling policy and the preemptive threshold policy.
  8. Schedulability Analysis for Non-Preemptive EDF Scheduling Algorithm
  9. Because the schedulability analysis is the most important among the scheduling theory for real-time, we analyze the schedulability for hybrid preemptive scheduling and priority-based grouping scheduling.
  10. This paper introduces the architecture of on-demand data broadcast and the performance metrics, analysis the basic scheduling algorithm, preemptive scheduling and real-time scheduling algorithms.
  11. And we analyze three task scheduling schemes based on this task set module, which include hybrid preemptive scheduling, priority-based grouping scheduling and FCFS scheduling.
  12. This paper describes scheduling mechanism in embedded μ C/ OS-ⅱ and gives difference between scheduler in task and scheduler in interrupt. So efficiency of preemptive scheduling is better.
  13. In this thesis, in order to solve the problem that the kernel Nut/ OS real-time character is weaker, the factors influencing real-time character are analyzed, and preemptive scheduling tactics is introduced, at the same time scheduling in ISR is realized.
  14. A supervisory command preemptive scheduling mechanism is provided accompany with competition of critical resource and synchronization;
  15. It features fast multitask switch, preemptive task scheduling, micro kernel and configurable organization, and effectively supporting various hardware environments, and it has become a de facto industrial standard.
  16. Preemptive Short-Packet-First Scheduling in Input Queueing Switches
  17. It is significant to compute the response time for the requests of the periodic tasks in a real-time system. This paper is focused on the preemptive threshold scheduling and presents a formula to compute the response time for a request.
  18. A Preemptive Scheduling Problem with Different Interrupted Time Cost on Identical Parallel Machines
  19. The real-time microkernel supports 16 tasks. The preemptive scheduling mechanism is adopted for the real-time tasks.
  20. Analysis of Preemptive Scheduling Policy in Embedded μ C/ OS-ⅱ
  21. According to the security gateway real-time demand this thesis explains the defects of Linux real-time performance. Three aspects which are preemptive scheduling kernel, real-time task scheduling strategy and the response time of task are designed to improve the real-time performance of Linux.
  22. For a preemptive threshold scheduling periodic task, an algorithm CRFS is put forward to compute the response time of its requests.
  23. IR-OS adopts micro-kernel structure, preemptive scheduling strategy, and has user friendly API.
  24. IR OS adopts preemptive scheduling strategy, which has brevity code and user friendly API.
  25. Research on schedulability analysis for preemptive threshold scheduling.
  26. RTOS, according to its work patterns, can be divided into preemptive scheduling and non-preemptive scheduling.
  27. After the improvement, the operating system μ C/ OS-II can create the same priority task. Tasks with the same priority use the time piece rotation scheduling, and tasks with different priority still used priority-based preemptive scheduling.
  28. With strategy of resource considered first, foundation of preemptive threshold and the backup and recovering mechanism of planning results, it can reduce quantity of rescheduling invalid tasks again, and increase the efficiency of preemptive scheduling process.
  29. The context switching also occurs when the task being activated in the preemptive scheduling in order to fast-response the new high priority task.
  30. By analyzing the feasibility of preemptive scheduling, defining the conception of urgency, the Maximum Urgency First ( MUF) is proposed as the scheduling method.